Sustainable Wildlife Management

The Rupununi Livestock Producers Association (RLPA) was formed in 1978 by a group of ranchers in the Rupununi to help support and sustain the livestock industry.

Before SWM:

RLPA was dormant chicken reared as free range for sporadic consumption at household level.

Lack of access to livestock supplies

Cattle production system in crisis

Increased importations of industrial meats from Brazil

RLPA worked on a voluntary basis (NO staff) and main activity was the organization of the Rupununi Rodeo

The Objectives

Food security: To ensure people

in the Rupununi have improved

access to a domesticated source

of animal protein that they can


Income: Increased incomes for

people in the Rupununi who rear

livestock for sale.

Wildlife: add value to wildlife

friendly landscapes and reduce

dependence on wildlife.

Impacts through SWM

With the support from SWM Programme, the RLPA was able revitalize its role in representing the interests of local livestock producers, increase lobbying, encouraging and promoting improved production of the livestock industry while strengthening its partnering with relevant institutions and stakeholders. RLPA has become a major actor in livestock development in the Rupununi with 6 full time staff and 10 part time RLPA has reactivated and increased its membership to 150 registered members including youth groups and women groups.

Improved access to livestock supplies

RLPA established the first Livestock Hub in the

region and a mobile hub servicing all 5 districts.

In four years, RLPA has supplied 75,600 chicks

and 257,220 kgs of chicken feed in the Region

From 600 to 7000 chicks per month

From 60 to 500 bags (45kg) per month of feed
